JobPRO Manufacturing Enhancements

JobPRO Manufacturing Software Enhancements


Job Attachments

In a manufacturing job shop one of the main requirements shop-floor managers are looking for is multiple job attachments, such as failure reports, tolerance reports, purchase orders from customers and drawings. JobPRO Manufacturing is now capable of storing multiple job attachments in the system. Now you do not have to store documents in multiple locations, with JobPRO Manufacturing all documents stored against the relevant job card is saved in one repository and is available at a click of a button. NO more hunting around for manual job cards with physical documents attached.

Convert Units Of Measure

Many manufacturing job shops, do not have accounting software that allows them to stock in a certain unit of measure and sell in another. An example of would be when you are selling a honed tube, in the inventory it is stocked as millimetres but you want to sell that stock in metres. JobPRO Manufacturing is able to handle this.

Many of our honed tube companies are using JobPRO for this functionality as customers want to see steel roads or honed tube quantity in metres.

JobPRO Manufacturing and Multi-Warehouse Module

You can now select different warehouses when building a quote in JobPRO. This functionality has been enhanced so that when you select a certain warehouse it will populate the correct prefix for the job number – each job will then be easily identified to which region it has been sold from.

An example of this your Johannesburg warehouse prefix is JHB0001, so when you select the JHB warehouse your prefect will start with JHB followed by the next number in the sequence, making it easier to see which jobs belong to which warehouses from a glance.

JobPRO Cloud

JobPRO Cloud is a mobile add-on module for JobPRO, designed for the service and maintenance industry. Many customers in the field service industry find it hard to track jobs and technicians as jobs generally are handled manually with manual job cards or excel spread sheets.

JobPRO solves these common issues by bringing control and visibility to the chaotic demand of on-site jobs.

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